I have been giving this a lot of thought and K is also a hard one to think of things to be grateful for.
my kids are 7 and almost 5, I want to know when in the hell did they become people and funny people at that. My son
has a grate sense of humor and a giggle that fills me up.
He has the bestest smooches around.
When he has something to say you can see he is thinking about how to say it.
My daughter is smart and funny and very much the girl.
She has a great feeling to her style and how she thinks her clothes should be.
I can't explain how having my kids has changed me in my soul. they are the best thing I have ever done, and I have learned to see them as the world will see them. I have learned to see them not just as there mother but as another person sees them. I love watching them take care of each other and the next minute be siblings and snotty and mean and all the things that brothers and sisters do to one another.
They make me remember to not take it all so seriously.
there are all kinds of knots, the ones in the deepest part of your muscles that only a deep heat filled message can take away, or the sweet gesture from you mate as they rub your feet without you asking..... :)
My favorite knots are the ones you find in trees, the gnarled twisted wind formed trees on the side of a cliff that drops off to the ocean. the knots that a grape vine can make as it bends and climbs towards the sky when it is allowed to grow wild.
I am a crocheter, and have not been able to learn to knit at all, I understand the directions but my hands want to crochet. Either allows you to create something, anything. it is relaxing and therapeutic. One day I will learn how to knit.
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